Thursday 31 July 2014

It's Amazing How God Works

This summer has been a whirlwind.
Actually, it's kind of been this massive tornado that rips through everything and leaves all of the strewn bits everywhere and all the remnants are just chaos.

But isn't that just the way.

For months now I've been asking God what He wants from me, but I haven't really been getting any answers. And just when I think I found the right path - bam! Tornado hits.
After a while, that pattern really gets to a person. At least, it's been getting to me.

Last night at young adults, one of the questions we discussed in Bible Study in preparation for Sunday's service was when God has used the meagre resources in your life and multiplied them for the good of others. Various people shared stories, and I even shared one of my own. But today has definitely been an example of God's work and using those minimal resources for good.

As I mentioned, this summer's been quite the storm. But today it's like God came and gave me this giant hug and everything just went calm. Which, while sometimes is terrifying, right now, is just beautiful. Everything is working out. I've got a roof over my head, time to spend volunteering, enough to eat, people who love and care about me, and so many more wonderful blessings.

It's so easy to look at things, especially in the storm, and say that everything is terrible. But this has definitely been a lesson for me about hope, and a reminder of those blessings that are so often forgotten.

God's got us all covered. Each and every one of us.

And now it's time for a new journey... God Bless, all! :)

Sunday 20 April 2014

What's the deal?

I genuinely don't understand how humanity works.  I feel like it's possible that I am the only one in the universe who somehow ended up off of the gravy train that everyone else follows, but I just don't get it.
I don't get how we can have relationships with people we don't continually invest in, and how we can put things on the back-burner for extended amounts of time and then go back to them and find that everything hasn't burned to a crisp.
We cannot juggle everything - that's impossible.  I get that.  But that's also why we can only put so much on our plates at a given time.  That's why sometimes you have to let things go and move on.  But how then, can we say that we want to keep hold of something that we don't invest in, maintain, and put ourselves and our time into?
I get that this is a huge concept, but I just don't get it.  If you eave a pot on the stove and forget about it, it burns.  If you don't take care of a garden, everything dies, weeds take over, and everything's a dirty, ugly, disgusting mess.  If you plant seeds in soil that can't grow anything...well that pretty much answers its own result.
Yet we do this all of the time with people in our lives.
We treat them like the decorations we only pull out at Christmas, or that gift that your mom sets on the mantle when her mother-in-law visits so she doesn't get offended.  We box them up and take them out when it's either convenient or we're forced to for various reasons.  We rationalize it by saying it's how life works, and that we're really busy, and that we can't put all of our time where we aren't...
But then where are our roots?
We invest time in our families even though we aren't with them, because we love them and care about them.  But are they the only people worth our time when we aren't with them?  Are our significant others and our families the only people we can continually invest in?  Maybe I'm wrong, or maybe I'm just plain crazy, but I feel like those aren't the only people who have helped us get where we are.  I feel like those aren't the only people we love and hold dear.  I feel like those aren't the only people who have contributed to us being able to stand right now.  And yet we just treat them like they don't really matter, and can only count when we have time, or when things are easy.
Newsflash: things are never easy.  That's why things take effort.
Graduating high school - takes effort.
Graduating university - takes effort.
Getting a job...and keeping it - takes effort.
Maintaining relationships - takes effort.
Everything takes effort.
If we wait for things to become easy or convenient to concern ourselves with them, then we will be waiting forever...which often is exactly what happens.  Often times, we move on in the process and then there's usually some kind of explanation about how things just didn't work out...but how many people have we hurt by just simply not caring enough to put in the effort?  Does that even matter to most people?
Maybe I'm the village idiot in this crazy world, but I feel like people aren't like the Christmas lights that we only look at maybe once a year.  They aren't like the random junk we put in boxes and hang on to because maybe one day we might need them again.  And when we treat them like they are, we end up hurting them more than we could ever know.  And, to put a selfish spin on it, we also end up hurting ourselves.

I could go on about this for quite a while, but by now you've probably had enough of my chatter.  I know it sounds like I'm ranting and raving - and maybe on some level I am - but I am genuinely curious as to how everyone else sees humanity and relationships.  I am genuinely curious as to what the answer is, and why we treat people the way we do...why we expect everything to be okay with people when we ignore them, put them in boxes, and come back to them when it's easy and convenient.  And then how do we say it isn't easy?  It is - we're taking the easy way out.  If we're going to do it, we better at least be big enough to admit it.  But we aren't.  We rationalize everything and then continue on with our lives.
Well then what about care for others?  What about the lessons we've learned from God and the teachings we read in the Bible?  If we can't at least trying to live out what we're being taught without rationalizing our way out of our faults and excusing them, then where is the application of trying to live our lives like Christ?  Where is the application of everything we've been taught?  Does that only happen when it's easy and convenient, too?

I don't know...maybe I'm nuts.  It's just a bunch of ramblings, but I guess I just had to get it out.

God Bless all,

Thursday 6 February 2014

Growing up is hard to do

You hear it so often, but it's only tonight, really, that it's hit me in this way.

I keep hearing how growing is a good thing; how growth is not only necessary, but positive.  But what about when it doesn't feel positive?  What about when it feels like all that's happening is being hit over the head while you are constantly failing and no longer able to do even half of what you've always done?  What about that.

I keep hearing about how growth is progress...except, it sure doesn't feel that way.  What about not being able to do everything you've always done is progress?  How is that positive, progressive, and good?

The only thing I can think of is that it's not about how we measure progress, just like it's not about how we measure success, time, and other things we think are ours to measure.  It's about how God measures; what He thinks, and what He wants.  It's so frustrating, though, because it's not like He's sharing any insight with me right now, even though I desperately wish He would.

I'm in an evangelism class right now, and my professor (who so happens to be a pastor at the church I am serving at currently) told us that evangelism is simply one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.
It's an interesting concept actually, and one I haven't been able to get out of my mind pretty much since he said it.  It reminds me of how in church work, we are really just broken people working to serve other broken people, and share the light and Good News of Christ with them.
As humans, we are this giant culture of broken, sinful people, trying to help, serve, share, and lead other sinful, broken people.

I once had someone talk to me about how if the only thing I knew was that I didn't know anything, that I was in a pretty good situation, because there wasn't anything else I could do but ask God to help me.
As I was remembering this just now, it hit me in a way it hasn't before...that actually is some wonderfully Good News, because if you're at the point where you know nothing...if you're at the bottom...the only place to look is up.  And if you know nothing, then your slate is brilliantly empty, and it gives the Good Lord alot of space to fill your thoughts with what He needs you to be thinking, and to make your knowledge completely full with Him.
That's pretty amazing news if you ask me.  She's a brilliantly wise lady.

It's funny how all of this relates back to growth and growing up...we never think things are going to go the way they go - until they actually do it.  There's this saying in psychology that says how hindsight is always 20/20.  When I think about certain things, I have those moments where I know exactly everything...but only after it's already happened.
How amazing it is that we have this all-knowing, infinite, incredible Father who knows everything, always.  How amazing it is that we can trust in Him and lean on Him - and what's even more amazing (and baffling) - to me, anyways - is that He wants us to.
So even though this process of growth is extremely difficult, and I don't quite understand it pretty much all of the time, it's about trust.  And because I am a sinful human I know I'll fail and falter in my trust, and doubt when I shouldn't, and all those other things that I don't mean to do but end up doing anyways.  But He's got me close, and He knows what's what.

And if that's something I can remember and hang on to - well, I guess growing isn't so bad...

Peace all!
Night :)

Wednesday 9 October 2013

I just really love the snow.

I can't wait for the snow.
The cold, the chill, the colour... even the ice, maybe.
The way the icicles hang from buildings, and the snow piles and mounds walkways as we travel on foot, and even other ways.
The way the chill quite literally nips your nose, and when you look up to admire the snow on that tree, the breeze hits it, and some falls on your face.
The flakes that dance and land extraneously, quite wherever they feel like.
The way so many footprints leave marks, and you can tell where someone was going...though not what they were thinking.  Or can you?  Sometimes, maybe you might have some idea.

The snow is like this wonderful magic, and at the same time, this wonderful reflector of life.
It has its good days, and its bad days.
It brings joy, smiles, fun, and laughter.
But it also brings frustration, nervousness, and pain.
It isn't perfect, the snow.
But it's special.  Unique.  Excellent in so many ways - so many of them specific to its own nature.
It can help many things, and bring beauty to much of nature.
However, in order to do that, it must also bring some darkness, too.
Some things that might be seen as unfortunate, or lesser - unwelcome, and even bad.

I wonder if the snow is misunderstood.
It seems almost like that kid in the playground who gets bullied, but maybe no-one knows why...or maybe no-one really cares.  Either way, that kid has it kinda rough.  Eventually, the kid might be tolerated once he hits secondary or post-secondary, but really, he's always that kid who's never quite understood, and has too much going on for him to be truly liked, or even loved.

Yet, that's something that's always bothered me...about the kid in the playground.  And about the snow.
They're different.  Unusual.  Unruly.  Unpredictable.
All of the things we are programmed to find annoying, and insufferable, and just can't quite grow to love.  For those who have that special gift, they might come to reach tolerance - or even acceptance - and much more quickly than others (some may never reach these stages), but even then... there's always something.  Always some kind of barrier.

It's interesting to think about how much the snow (and nature, as a whole) reflects life, our culture, and just so many things, really.  I could go on a nature spiel, but that's probably one best saved for another time.

Really though, I love the snow.  In its perfect imperfectness, through its cold, and ice, and even its "inconveniences"...I just love the snow.  The way it keeps you warm, but makes you cold - sometimes all at the same time.  The way it's perfect for playing, or sculpting, or photographing, or just simply admiring.  The way it moulds; the way it's present, moving, and still.  All at the same time.
The things I could list off about the snow are numerous, as I'm sure you've figured out by now...but in the end, I'm still not sure how to explain it.

I just really love the snow.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Just Thinking

Bear with me...some jumbled thoughts seem to be coming your way.

So I'm sitting in Starbucks and I hear someone affirm someone's question about the product by putting down Tim Horton's, and the first thing I thought was why do we always seem to get affirmation from putting someone/something else down?  At what point did it just become completely acceptable to assure someone by knocking something else?  Maybe I'm thinking about this way too much, or maybe it just struck a nerve at the right time, but it seems to me like there is some sort of pattern happening...where it is completely acceptable to put others down - their thoughts, feelings, actions, and so forth, as a means for providing someone else with reassurance.

How is that okay?

I'm not saying I've never been guilty of it - I'm sure we all have at some point.

But since when did we just settle for certain things being acceptable?

People even have quite lengthy conversations about how they don't like certain things, but then they just accept that they are the way they are, and move on.  When is it okay to do that, and when is it time to say enough is enough?

I could go on for a while, but I think maybe this is enough for I have to get back to paper outline writing...

I just couldn't stop thinking about it, and I wonder if I am the only one...

Well, I'm out for now (but I'll probably come back to it later...).

God Bless :)

Saturday 21 September 2013

What A World We Live In

Hey guys :)

So the last time I wrote I thought things were crazy...I guess I should have known it would only get crazier with time.

I'm attending a new church tomorrow, where I am being placed as their practicum student for the next several months.  I was talking to someone today, and she suggested blogging about it...So, I have made a blog dedicated to my practicum experiences.  If you're interested, you can find it at

I have no idea what I'm getting into... The church has 750 people in regular attendance over three services, and more things going on than I could ever possibly imagine.  And, seeing as how I've become more of a hermit than ever this year, that's bound to be quite an interesting experience.
I'm excited, though, because this is the church that a bunch of the youth I rode the bus to the gathering with attend, and though it's not like I'll always be working with them, I am excited to see if I get to see them again, and possibly work with them a little.

This year is all about branching out, trying new things, and learning (alot).  So I'm trying to apply that to my life, too.  Though it's going to be a little bit different, because I've learned things from last year and I will not be pushing those limits again, taking these concepts and applying them to my life could be quite interesting.

Well, I could ramble and ramble, but - as I'm sure you all do, too - I have a million and one things to do.  Including washing clothes so I have something to wear tomorrow...

Well, there's no use worrying what tomorrow will being, because God's got it all planned out.  No need to fret, Hes got this.

Have a great night; God Bless! :)

Friday 26 July 2013

Crazy bus, crazy bus

First off, if you don't know that reference (see title), look it up.


The past couple of weeks have been CRAZY.

I can't believe this month is almost over.
At the beginning of the month I journeyed with a bus full of youth through a couple provinces to go to the National Youth Gathering (NYG).  It was absolutely incredible, and I was just so blessed to get the unbelievable opportunity of serving there.  I have some amazing stories, and some moments that are near and dear to my heart.  There were heartwarming moments, hilarious ones, some that were slightly to very embarrassing, and everything else you can think of.  It also served as a huge affirmation for me that I am on the right path at this point in my life.  I pray that I will be able to do what God has in store for me, and if this kind of work continues to be it I just can't imagine how my life is going to be (not that I can really imagine it anyways).
The next gathering is in three years, God willing, and if I am not on one of my internships at that point, I definitely plan on applying to serve again.

I was away for almost a week, and returned on a Wednesday.  That Friday things ere made official, and I as able to receive a wonderful gift from a member of our family, which was a trip home.  I left on the Sunday, and stayed until the following Sunday.  While I was there I got the wonderful opportunity of helping out with VBS Adevnture Camp at my home church, which I could go on about forever, also.  It was such a blessing to be able to be home for a week and see some of my family.  It was a very busy week, but such a blessing to have that opportunity.  I also was able to be there for my mum's 54th birthday, which was a wonderful time.  The three of us went out, and the waiter brought over this giant piece of cheesecake with a humongous sparkler sticking out of it.  She was mortified, obviously, and my sister just about flew out of the restaurant full speed ahead, but it was such a wonderful addition to our night.  We went for a drive to a close-by town afterwards, intending to get some scrumptious ice cream, but we were all too full for that.  We did, however, get to go for a lovely walk by the river, and I got some wonderful pictures of nature and some touristy things - things the town was celebrating, etc.
It was great to have some time with just the three of us.  I had mixed feelings about going home, but I was so glad to have had this week with everyone, and to see how things have changed.  Some things haven't, of course, but many things have - especially between us.  That was something I quite enjoyed seeing.  My mum's also on board with what I'm doing no, it seems, and even though I'm not sure she understands it fully, I'm glad she can be supportive about it and tone down the negative thoughts.
I got to have some fun with my sister while I was there, too.  Mum's probably going to have to retrain her, but I mean, what good is it to have a sister who lives far away if she can't come home and teach you some stuff?  Besides, eating ice cream out of the tub, pouring juice into your mouth without it touching the jug (can't get in trouble because you didn't "drink out of it"), and eating out of pie and cheesecake plates while making it look like you used a knife are simply life skills.
It's not like I do that kind of stuff all the time - hardly ever, actually - but it's hard to find things to do with my sister because we don't get to connect much, and it's not like we can really spend time alone, even when I am home.  So coming up with crazy things just ends up being the way, and we laugh, and they laugh at me, and that's just kind of how it goes ahah

The week went by extremely fast (even though the weather was EXTREMELY awful), and next thing you know I was at the airport again coming back to home.  A few hours passed and Monday was already starting.

This week has been crazy, too, and of course, coming back has continued to teach me many lessons.  It's almost like going back to my mum's as a break for lesson-learning, except I know that isn't true, either.  Yet, here I am again, full-swing, and in over my head.  But it's okay.  I'm told that this is all part of the process - not that I'm happy about that, but I mean...if you can't spend your life just stand still...don't you?
I don't know, maybe I'll look back and regret that thought just kind of... came out.  It could be for the better, though.

Amongst other things, my last class of this four-month stretch began this week.  It's going to be a doozie, that's for sure.  I have an exam this coming Monday, one the first Friday following, and then a 50% final (I know...gross) the following Friday.  Just thinking about that makes me want to vomit...mostly because I have no idea what he could possibly be testing on this Monday, as it feels like we haven't learned anything (yes, it's one of those classes... #yuck).  That brings us to the end of the first week of August, which you'd think would be the point where I could cheer and slow down...nope, not yet.  That Saturday I'm going to most likely be helping out with some things for the choir camp I am working at, which starts that Sunday and runs to the following Saturday.  The entire week I will be living with kids and helping with the choir camp doing various duties.  I'm actually pretty excited to be a camp counselor - it's sure to be great fun.
Once that finishes, at the moment I technically have a break until the beginning of September, but I have some hours to put in for something else, so I probably won't be "break"ing too much.  It'll be nice to have a break from classes for a couple of weeks, though.

I'm hoping to finally get my tattoo done once I get paid from camp, which I'm pretty excited about.  I've been sitting on it since February, so I'm just ready to get it no - yay monies ahah

Alright, well, I could continue to gap your ear off about a million things, but I won't.  More for another time...eventually.

Have a wonderful night all,
God Bless! :)